Monday, November 7, 2011

Hi, I'm Heather

Creating a blog is just another account that I have to remember the email and password combination for. I spend too much time on the internet. I check my email at least once an hour. If I ever tell you otherwise, I am lying.

When I am not absorbing the internet's content, I am creating it. I make Youtube videos in my "free time." I am not ashamed to put that as the one of the first facts about myself. I sing in and create music videos on my channel (although, an occasional makeup tutorial is posted from time to time).

Truth be told, Youtube is more of a priority in my life than many think it should be. I have roughly 10,000 subscribers on Youtube, nearly 900 fans on Facebook, and 500+ followers on Twitter. I say this not to brag about the moderate amount of success I've had at building an online fan base, but to prove that I put a large, perhaps unhealthy, amount of work into what I do.

I'm a performer (onstage and off). I have a very sarcastic sense of humor that I am not afraid of unleashing, generally because I find it makes people laugh. Some would call me "unique," others would call me "insane." You decide. I know who I am, and what you think of me is none of my business. Being on the internet, you get used to people hurling unprompted insults your way, so say what you will, I'm still going to be me.

I may or may not wear too much glitter on any given day. Much to my mother's dismay, every room in my house, unintentionally, has glitter or rhinestones in it (all having traveled to other locations from the epicenter, my room). I wear skirts and dresses more frequently than pants, I own more pairs of shoes than I am willing to admit, and my room is never clean. To some, these things are positive attributes, to others, negative. Again, you decide.

I'm happy being me. I have opinions, and I'm not ashamed of them, but I'm not a very confrontational person; therefore, I often do not share them with people that I know have different view points. Does this make me a coward? Perhaps, but I've learned that picking your battles is very important.

Some may find it surprising, but I am a very "nurturing" person. When someone close to me is upset, my immediate instinct is to get to the root of the problem and fix it; quite different from the "diva" persona I often display on the exterior. I frequently neglect my own problems to help other's with theirs.

That's me in a few short paragraphs, not that that's all there is to know about me, and not that it isn't.

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